Categories of Classes

Doctrine Courses

doc101Doctrine 1

Instructor: Nelson Miles Credits: 3

An introductory study of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, acquainting the student with the major themes of Bible truth: God, Scripture, Angels, Man, Sin, and Salvation.

doc102Doctrine 2

Instructor: Nelson Miles Credits: 3

A continuation of the material described in Doctrine 1, covering Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and things to come.

doc201Theology 1

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 3

An introduction to the study of Theology: a consideration of the Bible and continuing with the Person of God, His nature, attributes, the Trinity, etc.

doc202Theology 2

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 3

The study of the origin, existence and work of angelic beings; the creation of man, his nature and his fall; salvation.

doc301Theology 3

Instructor: Wes Marschner Credits: 3

The study of the Church as both an organism and an organization with much emphasis on the practical theology of the Church.

doc302Theology 4

Instructor: Charlie Hornick Credits: 3

The study of the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ and all its related events such as the Rapture, Tribulation, judgments, resurrections, Millennium, and closing stages of God’s dealings.

doc305Senior Project

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 1

Students will be required to write a doctrinal statement, construct a personal resume, and pass a comprehensive theology exam that covers all the areas of Systematic Theology. The exam will be given in six parts over a six week period.

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Bible Courses

bib111Old Testament Survey

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 2

An overview of the entire Old Testament, based on a book-by-book analysis. Introductory material to each book is given and the content brought into focus.

bib112New Testament Survey

Instructor: Chuck Mathias Credits: 2

An overview of the entire New Testament, based on a book-by-book analysis.


Instructor: Mike Meysenburg Credits: 2

A review of the book of Genesis beginning with the seven literal days of creation and including the fall of man, the flood of Noah, and the inception of the Jewish nation.

bib114Gospel of John

Instructor: Mike Meysenburg Credits: 2

An examination of the texts that deal with the deity of Christ and a look at the miracles of Christ which authenticate His claim to be the Son of God.

bib115Epistles of John

Instructor: Wes Marschner Credits: 1

An expository study of these three books with emphasis on how a believer can have fellowship with God.

bib118Life of David

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 2

A consideration of the life and career of the second king of Israel as recorded in the historical books of the Old Testament. It will consider the history of David’s life and take into account devotional lessons to be learned. The point of the course is: What is a person “after God’s own heart?”


Instructor: Ray Young Credits: 2

An analytical study of Acts. Acts covers the time of transition from Israel to the Church. Special problems dealing with the interpretation of Acts will be considered. Lessons relating to local church principles and missionary ministry will also be noted.

bib212Exodus & Leviticus

Instructor: Steve Johnson Credits: 2

A study of God’s deliverance of the nation of Israel from the bondage of Egypt, the giving of the Law, and of God’s expectation of the nation of Israel for holy living.


Instructor: Tom Harves Credits: 2

An expository study of the book of Hebrews giving special attention to the superiority of Christ.

bib215Minor Prophets

Instructor: Tom Harves Credits: 2

A review of the last 12 books of the Old Testament. These were the prophets who ministered to the nations of Israel and Judah in their final days.


Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 1

An exposition of the book of Judges showing the repeated failure of the nation of Israel to obey God and the consequences they suffered. It is our goal to learn from the sins of the past and not make the same mistakes.


Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 2

An expository study geared to equip the student to discern, declare, and defend the Sovereign working of God over Israel, the nations, and every individual and to make disciples to do the same.


Instructor: Mike Meysenburg Credits: 2

An analytical study of the book of Revelation, giving attention to the dispensational aspects of this book. Revelation is the study of future things as God has revealed them to man.


Instructor: Mike Meysenburg Credits: 2

This course covers the history, background, and methods of studying the Psalms. An expositional study is also done on select Psalms.


Instructor: Mike Meysenburg Credits: 2

The book of Romans is a challenging book of Biblical doctrine coupled with practical Christian living. Our purpose in studying it is to give students a clear understanding of this book and how it relates to them.

bib3161st Peter

Instructor: Steve Johnson Credits: 2

This course offers a detailed study of 1 & 2 Peter with emphasis on understanding the major themes and the practical value of these two letters.


Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 1

A verse-by-verse exposition of the book of Galatians. Themes to be covered include Law, Grace, Liberty, Bondage or Legalism, Faith, Gospel, Justification, Righteousness, Love, Flesh and Spirit. It is the goal of this course that as the student gains an understanding of these important concepts, permanent changes in the way he/she lives will result.

bib318Gospel of Luke

Instructor: Ron Thompson Credits: 2

The aim of this study is to bring the student to an understanding of the historical, theological, and practical importance of the third Gospel. Special attention will be given to the teachings and events that are unique to Luke.

bib401Special Lectures

Each semester a visiting teacher will present a lecture series on a selected book of the Bible.

bib220First Corinthians

Instructor: Charlie Hornick Credits: 2


Instructor: Mike Meysenburg Credits: 2

bib1181 & 2 Thessalonians

Instructor: Ronnie Heerah Credits: 2

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Christian Education Courses

ced232Youth Ministry

Instructor: Andrew Elliott Credits: 2

A study of the needs and nature of youth in relation to a Biblical and developmental study of early, middle, and later adolescence. Consideration will be given to various philosophies of youth ministry in the local church. The course will also look at organization, administration, supervision, and evaluation of youth ministry.

ced235Christian Education of Children

Instructor: Andrew Elliott Credits: 2

The purpose of this course is to give a general overview of the purpose and process of all that goes into Christian Education in the church as well as a more detailed look at several specific areas.

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Mission Courses

mis141Personal Evangelism

Instructor: Ronnie Heerah Credits: 2

Students learn the Biblical basis, philosophy, and objectives of leading others to Christ. Various methods of evangelism and follow-up are evaluated. Special emphasis is placed upon the true nature of the gospel of grace and how to overcome men’s objections.

mis142Introduction to Missions

Instructor: Chuck Mathias Credits: 2

A survey of the Biblical basis for missions, the call, motives, and preparation of missionaries, current methods, needs, and some outstanding missionaries of the past.

mis241Practical Relations in Missions

Instructor: Chuck Mathias Credits: 2

A course designed to present help to the local church in promoting an awareness of missions and challenging its people to answer God’s call to be a missionary. There will also be a consideration of the practical problems of life and service on the mission field.

mis341Cults and World Religions

Instructor: Ron Thompson Credits: 2

A study of the history and doctrines of the major “Christian” cults and the world’s leading religions, with the view of effectively sharing the gospel.

mis342Mission Field Preparation

Instructor: Chuck Mathias Credits: 1

A course designed to help equip the student for his/her departure to the mission field. Focus on writing an effective prayer letter, ways to fund your ministry, and practical help with the search for a mission agency.

mis343Mission Field Preparation 2

Instructor: Chuck Mathias Credits: 2

This course is designed to help equip the student for his/her departure for the mission field. It will focus on the individual’s call and the affirmation of this call by the sending church; spiritual warfare, the selection of an agency in partnership with the sending church; developing relational and communication skills with ministry partners who are willing to serve as prayer warriors, personal encouragers and proactive donors; prayer cards and an interactive presentation on the anticipated ministry; the myriad of details involved in pre-field preparations including additional training, a commissioning service by the sending church; anticipating issues to expect after field arrival including cultural shock, ministering cross-culturally, inter-personal relationships with other missionaries, and re-entry into your own culture.

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Pastoral Courses

pas252Homiletics 1

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 2

Men will consider the essential parts and arrangement of a sermon, developing the content of a sermon, and preparing and delivering three styles of sermons.

pas351Homiletics 2

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 2

A continuation of Homiletics 1. The emphasis will be on expository sermons.

pas352Homiletics 3

Instructor: Ron Thompson Credits: 2

A continuation of Homiletics 2. Attention is given to the development and delivery of expository sermons.

pas353Pastoral Theology 1

Instructor: Charlie Hornick Credits: 2

A study of practical aspects of the local church ministry. Particular attention is given to responsibilities facing the young preacher as he enters his first pastorate.

pas354Pastoral Theology 2

Instructor: Charlie Hornick Credits: 2

A continuation of Pastoral Theology 1.

pas356Church Planting

Instructor: Ron Thompson Credits: 2

The study of principles and methods involved in planting a new church and bringing it to the place where it is self-sustaining.

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Practical Courses

pra119Academic Orientation

Instructor: Sheila Waltermire Credits: 0

Designed to help students to be successful during their time at FSB by helping them to learn organizational and study skills, and to begin understanding good time-management principles.

pra125Christian Men’s Practices

Instructor: Mike Huseby Credits: 1

A course designed to challenge men in godly living. Issues pertaining to men are discussed.

pra126Christian Women’s Practices

Instructor: Connie Mathias Credits: 1

A course designed to present Biblical principles for women. To better understand what God expects of us as women in the home, church, and full-time Christian service by studying the qualities of the virtuous woman found in Proverbs 31:10-31.

pra221Christian Family

Instructor: Nelson Miles Credits: 2

The student will receive basic Biblical principles for establishing and maintaining a joyful Christian home. It involves a search for Biblical roles and relationships within the family which are ordained by God.

pra226Introduction to Homiletics

Instructor: Joshua Elliott Credits: 2

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to communicate Biblical truths with maximum clarity and maximum effect.

pra321Biblical Principles of Finance

Instructor: Mike Huseby Credits: 1

Each student will learn how to manage financial matters from a Biblical foundation.

pra350Introduction to Women Teaching Women

Instructor: Cheryl Miles Credits: 2

pra228Victorious Christian Living

Instructor: Nelson Miles Credits: 2

This course is an intensive look into the Lord’s provision for every believer to walk daily in triumph over sin, self, the world system, and Satan. The approach to this truth is deeply practical.

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Tools Courses


Instructor: Ray Young Credits: 2

A comprehensive look at God’s program for man from eternity to eternity, observing His dealings with people through the ages. Various Biblical covenants are also studied.

tls163Contemporary Issues

Instructor: Charlie Hornick Credits: 2

A course designed to equip the student in the Scriptures to discern truth from error, to develop a practical blueprint for moral absolutes, and to communicate effectively from a Christian worldview regarding the major issues of today.

tls260Women Teaching Women 1

Instructor: Cheryl Miles Credits: 2

Preparation in teaching and speaking to women by workshops, devotionals, Bible studies, and topical messages.

tls261Bible Study Methods

Instructor: Wes Marschner Credits: 2

Designed to show the student how to study the Word of God for better understanding.

tls262Bible Interpretation

Instructor: Mike Meysenburg Credits: 2

Covers the basic methods of interpreting the Bible.

tls361Christian Evidences

Instructor: Nathaniel McRae Credits: 2

An investigation of the grounds and defense of the Christian faith. The place and values of evidences in Christian faith are discussed along with areas of primary concern in the contemporary church.

tls362Church History

Instructor: Nathan Reichert Credits: 2

A survey of the development of Christianity from the beginning of the church to the present, noting its special problems, personalities, faith, and failures.

tls363Women’s Ministries 1

Instructor: Cheryl Miles Credits: 2

A study of Biblical principles for women concerning their role in full-time and lay ministries, and opportunities for practical learning experience.

tls364Women’s Ministries 2

Instructor: Cheryl Miles Credits: 1

A continuation of Women’s Ministries I.

tls365Women Teaching Women 2

Instructor: Cheryl Miles Credits: 2

A continuation of Women Teaching Women 1, with an emphasis on teaching expository Bible studies.

tls367Women Teaching Women 3

Instructor: Cheryl Miles Credits: 2

A continuation of Women Teaching Women 2.

tls366Modern Trends and the Believer

Instructor: Tom Harves Credits: 1

A consideration of the modern trends that affect the life of the believer and the church as a whole.

tls400Christian Service

All Juniors and Seniors must have a Christian Service assignment. All assignments must be approved by the faculty member in charge of Christian Service.

tls401Freshman Christian Service

Freshman Christian Service

tls500Summer Ministry Practicum

Students who are involved in a summer mission trip or camp ministry of at least two weeks’ duration may write a summary of at least six double-spaced typewritten pages. Credit will not be given for duplicate ministries.